The moment's gone (a tribute to The Wedding Present)

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The Wedding Present - Chords: Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

Chords from Erwin Calvez

On this page on the left you can find chords that Erwin Calvez has sent me. I don't know anything about chords, so it's no use asking me anything about them.



Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah  
(Watusi,1994) Because you know that I'll come running to
by Erwin Calvez you, when you call
  You know I'll come whatever you've got
e!!---!---!---!---!---! You know you mix me up, I can't think
B!!---!-*-!---!---!---! straight at all
G!!---!-*-!---!---!---!       A                     G
D!!---!-*-!---!---!---! My head tells me I shouldn't be here
A!!---!---!---!---!---!  A                         D
E!!---!---!---!---!---! and my heart says "yeah!"
               G  D
e!!---!---!-*-!---!---! Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
B!!---!---!---!---!---! Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
G!!---!---!---!---!---! Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
A!!---!-*-!---!---!---! You've hypnotised me with those crazy
E!!---!---!-*-!---!---! eyes of yours
               D You've cracked me open like a coconut
e!!---!-*-!---!---!---! You've got me crawlin' round and round
B!!---!---!-*-!---!---! you on all fours
G!!---!-*-!---!---!---! My head tells me I shouldn't be here but
D!!---!---!---!---!---! my heart says "yeah!"
E!!---!---!---!---!---! Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
   A                 G                   A                  D
I really don't believe that this is I want you now, let's just take it all the
 A              G way
happening                   A                 D
       A                          G I don't care how, I'll do anything you say
I've tried and tried and tried to think it I want you now, let's just take it all the way
   A           G I don't care how, I'll do anything you say
           A                    G And how on earth did I get myself into
Oh, I heard what you said, I'm just not this?
  A                G And how much stranger is it going to get?
answering And how do you hold me prisoner with
A                               G just a kiss?
I guess I'm scared of what I'll have to My head tells me I shouldn't be here yet my
 A         G heart says "yeah!"
©2005 Chester Severien (